This winter! Opportunities to work on farm succession planning

Most farmers that we work with want their land to stay in agriculture, but very few have plans in place that articulate how the land, equipment, business, and other assets will be divided among the next generation or unrelated operator. Succession planning can present challenges, and each situation is unique.

We have helped hundreds of farmers find innovative solutions that keep their farms in farming, whether or not they have an identified successor.

One of the questions we hear most often from farmers about farm succession is, “Where do I start?” So we created various training opportunities for farmers ready to work on farm succession planning this winter. 

Online Training

Learn the basics like how to get started and where to find support during this free live webinar series.

Start with this FREE live webinar series on farm succession planning. Transitioning farmers and junior generation farmers will learn the basics of succession planning, including how to get started, where to find advisors and additional resources, ask questions, and get help. All generations, including family and non-family members, who may play a role in the farm’s future are encouraged to attend. Farmers from across New England welcome! Instructors include Land For Good staff Mike Ghia, Vermont Field Agent, and Will O’Meara, Connecticut Field Agent, as well as guest attorney and financial specialist. Learn more 

Coming soon! Four-part series meets virtually on Wednesdays at lunchtime, from 11:00am – 1:00pm:

January 18, 2023 – Getting Started: Resources, Tips and Where to Get Assistance
January 25, 2023 – Financial, Retirement & Tax Considerations
February 1, 2023 – Legal Considerations: Business Entities & Estate Planning
February 8, 2023 – Farmer Panel: Successes & Challenges

In-person Training

“It opened my mind to all that’s involved and not be afraid to seek help from professionals,” shared one participant during a Farm Succession School.

Senior farmers who are ready to dig in can start building their plan at a three-day winter course, Farm Succession School. This curriculum is designed to help farmers think through the many aspects of succession planning, clarify vision and goals, get next steps on paper, and review necessary documents to provide for a smooth transition. There is also homework and assistance available between sessions. Each session includes ample time to share and learn from other farmers facing similar questions. Farmers do not need to have an identified successor to participate in this course. The fee is $100 per farm, including all materials and support between classes. 

Farm Succession School meets all three days:

Connecticut –
at the Tolland County Agricultural Center, 24 Hyde Avenue, Route 30, Vernon, CT
Tuesdays from 9:00am – 4:00pm:
February 7, 2023
February 28, 2023
March 28, 2023

Learn more 

Massachusetts –
at the Fiske Public Library, 110 Randall Road, Wrentham, MA
Thursdays from 9:00am – 4:00pm:
February 9, 2023
March 2, 2023
March 30, 2023

Learn more 

“The farm succession school my wife and I attended in 2018-19 opened our eyes to many aspects of the succession process which were very helpful in our completing a very agreeable farm succession and retirement.”


One-on-One Advising

We’ve helped hundreds of farmers and farmer find innovative solutions that keep their farms in farming, provide a meaningful legacy.

Our field agents offer one-on-one advising to help New England farmers start, continue or complete their farm succession plan. We have the knowledge, networks and experience to help you make a plan that fits your situation and can achieve your goals. We’ve helped hundreds of farmers and partners find innovative solutions that keep their farms in farming, provide a meaningful legacy and address the financial, legal and business challenges involved in transferring a farm to a next generation family member or unrelated successor.

Listen to what our farmers have to say! Read about the seamless farm transition at Crossroad Farm, Fairlee VT.

Help is here! Low or no-cost assistance is available. Costs vary depending on your needs and available funding, with always a sliding scale option.

Complete our Farm Succession Form to initiate a no-cost informational session.

Thank You to our funders! Funding for the free live webinar series provided by the Vermont Housing & Conservation Board through the VT Viability Program, and the Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network Grant administered by the Connecticut Department of Agriculture in partnership with UConn Extension. Massachusetts Farm Succession School funding provided by by Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources’ (MDAR) Agricultural Business Training Program. Connecticut Farm Succession School is in partnership with UConn Extension and the Connecticut Department of Agriculture, this work is supported by the Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Grant, grant no.: 2021-70035-3555, from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture administered by the Connecticut Department of Agriculture.

PO Box 625
Keene, New Hampshire 03431
Phone: 603-357-1600