Back by popular demand, Acquiring Your Farm returns this winter! We’re excited to announce the return of an online training series for new and beginning farmers preparing to access farmland in New England.
Access to land remains a top challenge for all farmers. Although agricultural land tenure has always been an issue, the consensus is that finding, getting onto, and holding land for farming is harder than in past generations. Escalating cost of land, competition for uses, and concentration in ownership have compounded the issue.
In this introductory online course learn how to conduct a land search, assess farm properties, identify your goals and set financial parameters, review pros and cons of different tenure methods, discover keys to successful communication, and more during the Acquiring Your Farm training series. New and beginning farmers will receive an introduction to the complex issues of farmland access and tenure. Topics include:
- Farmland tenure basics
- Identifying your goals
- Affording farmland & financial preparedness
- Owning, leasing, and other tenure models
- Finding farmland
- Communication & negotiation
- Land justice
Apply now and save the dates for this seven-session training series held on Wednesday evenings, January 18 – March 1, 2023 from 6:30 – 8:00pm. Accepted applicants will receive access to the full series, as well as relevant course materials and resources. Once accepted, there is a sliding scale fee of $0-50 to participate.
After completing last year’s session, attendees found themselves in better positions to make plans and take next steps toward getting on farmland and gaining more secure tenure. Farmer participants shared:
The best part about the class was that it was not romantic, there wasn’t a sugar coating to the information shared, it was grounded in reality.”
“I learned that I need more experience before pursuing my own land tenure. And I learned where to turn when I am ready.”
“I loved it all. I especially appreciated some of the cool tools we used to share our thoughts to get a sense of the pulse of the audience.”
Space will be limited to allow for interactive sessions. Apply now! Applications will be accepted from October 1 – December 15.
This virtual series will meet via Zoom. We will provide the Zoom link to accepted applicants. Unfamiliar with Zoom? We’ll be happy to provide an orientation before the webinar begins so you are comfortable to join us. Challenging internet connection? Let us know and we may be able to offer tips/options that will help.
Part of the Land for Farmers project, supported by Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program grant #2021-49400-35642 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture