Land For Good
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Use this workbook to explore what you already know, consider the bigger picture, and get ready to take action.
Handbook that addresses farm succession and transfer when there is no identified, agreeable, and well prepared successor.
Guidebook for the next generation that presents the issues from the perspective of the incoming farmer.
A guide for landowners who want to do something with their land to advance social justice, and promote equity and opportunity. The guide offers historical context, guiding questions, and explores options for making farmland available. It is one contribution to the evolving exploration of how farmland access can be made more equitable. While not directed at farmers, they may also benefit from the guide’s ideas and resources.
Learn the many components of a sound lease agreement. Fact sheets include key terms and clauses, plus tips to develop a written plan, determine rent, and more.
A four-part series for transitioning farmers and junior generation farmers to learn the basics of succession planning, how to get started, where to find advisors and additional resources. Watch the full series or choose what support you need, and refer back to these as you work through your succession planning process.
One-page diagram outlining the steps in the process of passing a farm from one generation or owner to another.
Informative article about the farm transfer process. Journal of Northeast Agriculture Farming Magazine (Sept. 2013).
Guidebook to assist landowners to make land available for farming by others.
Generate a working lease document to share with landowners, tenants, and advisors. Includes leasing definitions, helpful FAQs, sample language, and fill-in space for the most common sections of a farm lease. Templates are not a legal document nor should they replace legal advice from an attorney.
Read this farm transfer reflection written by Janet Woodward of Cordelia’s Farm (MA).
An overview of legacy and estate planning for farm and forest landowners, including landowner case studies. University of Amherst Massachusetts, Franklin Land Trust, North Quabbin Regional Landscape Partnership.
One of the most comprehensive collections of materials on farm succession, organized by topic. Center for Land-Based Learning, California Farm Link, University of California Cooperative Extension.
Webinar overview highlights ways that farm or land owners can make their property available to a successive farmer, particularly one who is not currently a part of the farm operation. UNH Extension.
Directory of landowner options for farm transfer planning including information on how to get started. American Farmland Trust.
Webinar offers some important considerations for farmers of all ages about retirement planning.
A first step toward planning your retirement. Examine your current budget and retirement budget.
A first step toward planning your retirement; examine your current and retirement budget with this user-friendly Excel spreadsheet.
Hands-on workbook for assessing your situation, evaluating assets and income, and preparing an estate plan. Virginia Cooperative Extension.
Questions to consider in four steps. Pennsylvania Farm Link.
Explores farm succession through candid conversations with Maine farmers – including Jo Barett, retired field agent for Land For Good. Maine Farmland Trust.
A farmer panel discusses how to work through the farm transfer process with a multi-generational farm succession, a transfer between unrelated parties, and a cooperative model that creates a pathway for succession. LFG and Maine Farmland Trust.
Series of short videos on many topics related to farm succession and transfer, including case studies. University of Vermont.
Find a listing of farm transfer advisors such as attorneys, financial planners and land use professionals, searchable by New England state and topic area.
Poignant and educational stories that apply anywhere. New Jersey State Agriculture Development Committee.
State listing of no-cost or low-cost programs that offer dispute resolution through mediation to agricultural producers. USDA Agricultural Mediation Program.
Business advising for eligible farmers, agriculturally-related businesses, forest products enterprises, and forest landowners. Vermont Housing & Conservation Board.
Webinar on farmland leasing basics by Land For Good, New Entry Sustainable Farming Project, and Legal Food Hub.
An overview of leasing steps, current use property taxation, rights, obligations, and more. Vermont Land Link.
Overview publication covering different types of leases and lease payment calculations. Family Farm Series of UC Davis.
Resource links for Midwestern states, but widely applicable.
Interactive website helps to create a farm succession plan to share with family and advisors. Center for Farm Financial Management, University of Minnesota.
Brief introduction to the issues you need to think about and the issues involved in renting land to a farmer.
Helping farmers and landowners affordably access, transfer, and conserve farmland. Center for Agriculture and Food Systems at Vermont Law and Graduate School.
A friendly combination of information, stories and exercises for farm families. Teresa Opheim, Practical Farmers of Iowa.
Worksheet with questions for landowners to consider when working toward quality, durable leases.
A free service that connects eligible farmers and food businesses to volunteer attorneys in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
Unique guide about long-term leases involving agroforestry, including ways to account for the value of perennial crops and trees. Farm Commons and the Savanna Institute.
The region’s largest farm link website with more than 4,000 subscribers and growing. Farm seekers can search property postings and subscribe for weekly updates of new postings. Landowners can post a property at no charge.
Organizations that help build awareness, farmer and landowner readiness, and connections among farm seekers, farmers and landowners of all types across New England.
Guide for landowners to create accurate and appealing online farm property postings specifically focusing on how to convey information most relevant for farmers.
A linking service with customized support that connects farm seekers with Maine farmland owners who are looking to sell or lease their land. Maine Farmland Trust.
A linking service with individualized technical assistance to help farm seekers and Vermont farm property holders find each other. Intervale Center.
A linking service with individualized technical assistance that connects farm seekers with Connecticut farmland owners who are looking to sell or lease their land. Connecticut Department of Agriculture, Connecticut Farmland Trust.
Guide explains New England’s four farm link programs – Vermont Land Link, Maine Farm Link, Connecticut Farm Link and New England Farmland Finder – and what each program offers.