Show Support
Business Sponsor
Become a business sponsor to help farmers thrive, connect people and land, and make more land available for farming across New England. Our work with farmers, landowners, and service providers has been instrumental in advancing land access, tenure, and transfer, both regionally and on a national scale. Over the past 20 years, we have helped keep thousands of working farmland acres in active production. Working, vibrant, economically viable farms are important to our economy, and they support a robust regional food system. Working farmland can mitigate and help us adapt to the impacts of climate change.
We rely on the support of partners and local businesses. We welcome sponsorships of any amount!
There are many benefits to becoming a business sponsor:
Bronze $500 – $999
- Name on LFG website
- Name in Annual Report (spring)
Silver $1,000 – $4,999
- All Bronze benefits
- Name and Logo on LFG website
- Name and Logo in Annual Report (spring)
- $50 coupon to use at LFG online merch store
Gold $5,000+
- All Silver benefits
- “Special mention” on LFG website
- Name and Logo in E-news (reach 6,000)
- Name and Logo on programming & event promotion
- $50 additional coupon to use at LFG online merch store (total $100)
In-kind sponsor:
- Name on LFG website
- Name on programming & event promotion as relevant to in-kind items
See more of our good work in the 2024 Annual Impact Report.
For more information or to discuss sponsorship, please contact Rachel Brice, Program and Development Manager, by email [email protected] or call 603-357-1600.
See our current sponsors and Friends of LFG.