This inspiration comes at good time as another busy growing season gets underway as farmers plan in the face of an uncertain market. Will they see last year’s high demand direct from consumers for locally grown food? The future looks bright thanks to these farmers.

Boston Globe, March 23, 2021: “An urban farm embarks on its first season, determined to serve its community” article features Agric Organics Urban Farm and the story of Hameed & Ayo Bello. Hameed worked with Jae, LFG’s Massachusetts Field Agent, to advise on a lease arrangement. Jae also shared resources, made referrals to business planning courses and training programs, as well as introductions to local land trusts and other ag service providers. Hameed & Ayo, originally from Nigeria, own and operate Agric Organics Urban Farm because they persevered and met a retiring farmer willing to rent them his farmland so they could “be part of the solution” in Western Massachusetts. Their story will inspire other beginning farmers and farmers of color. (Facebook) Article by Jocelyn Ruggiero; photo by Steven G. Smith

Worcester Business Journal, March 29, 2021: “Growing community: Sustainably minded young farmers make Central Mass. a national leader” article features Farmer Tim’s Vegetables owner Tim Carroll, and Free Living Farm owners Cara & Michael (pictured) who run a small organic farm growing diverse vegetable crops, herbs, and flowers for their community on land we helped them find on New England Farmland Finder. Jae, LFG’s Massachusetts Field Agent, helped them clarify their goals and objectives, improve their lease agreement, and referred them to a specialized educational resource and training. Tim Carroll of Farmer Tim’s Vegetables is an alum of partner New Entry Sustainable Farming Project’s Farm Business Planning Course who also attended an LFG land access info night before starting his farm in 2015. Central Massachusetts has more than 1,700 farms thanks to sustainably minded young farmers. (Facebook) Article & photo by Monica Busch

Boston Globe, April 10, 2021: “Black farmers seek to put down new roots in New England” article features Rockbottom Farm at Strafford Organic Creamery and the story of farmer and friend Earl Ransom who has known Mike Ghia, LFG’s Vermont Field Agent, for years. Earl owns the only dairy farm left in Strafford VT. Earl is an innovative farmer whose perspective and insights we have sought over the years. “He’s also a Black man in a state where only 13 Black people owned farmland in 2017, compared with 6,382 whites, according to a federal survey. ‘We’re few and far between,’ Ransom said of Black farmers in Vermont, which had only three in 1969.” (Facebook) Article by Brian MacQuarrie