Real estate professionals connect with farmers

Real estate professionals play an important role in the marketing of farm properties. We offer training for real estate professionals to increase their awareness and access to resources so they can better connect with commercial farm buyers, and improve the conditions under which many aspiring, beginning and established farmers seek land.

This training, Tools & Resources for Working with Farms with Commercial Agricultural Potential, helps real estate licensees identify characteristics of the commercial farm buyer — plus how to reach them — identify and describe property characteristics important to the commercial farm buyer, introduce legal and tax issues of specific relevance to farms, identify farm financing options, and outline conservation easements and issues which need to be considered when selling farms that have existing conservation easements.

On April 30, we will host this training at Keller Williams Coastal Realty, 750 Lafayette Road #201, Portsmouth, NH — open to all real estate professionals — to connect with several farm service providers including Land For Good, Farm Credit East, Maine Farmland Trust, Maine Farms Realty, New England Farmland Finder, and Southeast Land Trust of NH. This training course is eligible for 3 hours of Continuing Education credits from NH and ME Real Estate Commission. (Learn more or Register)

Many real estate professionals have a sincere interest in seeing working farms stay in production, and seek insights and guidance about how to market farms or farmland with commercial potential. Farm seekers are growing more sophisticated, and a primary tool that many farm seekers use in their farm search is the MLS and other real estate listings. But commercial farm buyers differ from other rural property buyers in some unique ways. This training which has been held all over New England aims to increase that awareness.

Contact us to learn more about this training or propose a training session to your area. Contact LFG through our website or email [email protected].

PO Box 625
Keene, New Hampshire 03431
Phone: 603-357-1600