Professional Training for Farm Succession Advisors in New England: Training Documents

These documents were compiled for a farm succession advisors training.

Business Planning Basics for the Farm Client
presented by Annette Higby and Emma Hempstead

Legal Structure of the Farm Business
presented by Rich Cavanaugh and Annie Lemelin

Using a Limited Liability Company legal structure for transferring a farming operation
presented by Beth Boepple

Taxation Issues in Farm Business Transfer
presented by Mike Moloney

Special Issues in Non-Family Transfers of the Farm Business
presented by 
Kathy Ruhf and Jon Jaffe

Estate Planning Basics for the Farm Client
presented by Annette Higby and Emma Hempstead

Estate and Gift Tax, Tax Basis Rules, and Valuation for the Farm Estate
presented by 
Bill Dakin and Donald Sienkiwicz

Models and Guidelines for Farm Succession and Transfer Planning
presented by 
Mike Ghia, Mark Cannella, Kathy Ruhf, Stacy Burnstein, and Jon Ramsay

Medicaid Planning for the Farm Estate
presented by 
Paul Dillon and Donald Sienkiwicz

Transfer Planning for Farmers without an Identified Successor
presented by Kathy Ruhf and Jon Jaffe

Farmland Conservation and Farm Transfer
presented by 
Richard Peterson and LouAnna Perkins

Other Land Access Tools
presented by 
Annette Higby, Rebecca Fletcher, and Emma Hemsptead

PO Box 625
Keene, New Hampshire 03431
Phone: 603-357-1600