Next round of USDA funding, Indigenous food sovereignty & forms of reparations – the week in review

USDA has released its next round of funding, Coronavirus Food Assistance Program – 2, with improvements that will hopefully reach more farmers who were left out of previous aid programs. National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition breaks down the details of what farmers need to know about the revamped assistance program. National Young Farmers Coalition reminds us of the advocacy efforts it took to make significant changes that will better support smaller, diversified, and direct-market growers who were largely left out of CFAP-1. See links below to these important resources. Applications are now open and being accepted through December 11th.

Read below about communities working to increase local food security, right past wrongs, and bring lasting change. One food rights activist argues that we need food sovereignty for people of color, food justice in general for everyone, and systems change at the government scale.

Save the date to watch a free virtual screening of GATHER, a documentary that traces the intentional destruction of Native American foodways and the renaissance to reclaim indigenous agriculture and food systems, that will air on October 6th hosted by the Monadnock Food Co-op, Monadnock International Film Festival, and Monadnock Farm and Community Coalition. Register at the link below.

Hearing stories about Native people from Native people, along with experts in this type of storytelling, brings a tribal producer’s vision and First Nation’s work to the forefront.” – Michael E. Roberts (Tlingit), First Nations

In case you missed it this week, ABC’s Nightline began a series of Native Americans seeking reparations in different forms. Sogorea Te’ Land Trust co-founder, Corrina Gould, speaks about Ohlone history, reparations, and their work at the first Indigenous Women led land trust in the country.

Wherever you are in this country, you are on Indigenous land.” – Corrina Gould, Sogorea Te’ Land Trust and a member of the Lisjan Ohlone

Our week in review is a digest of noteworthy items that we are seeing, sharing, and saying on social media. We’re sharing it here to our farmers, supporters, and fellow farming advocates who may not follow us on all social platforms. If you do follow us on one social platform you might not be seeing all that we share, so this blog digest is a good place to get access to highlights from across platforms.

CFAP-2 Makes Aid Available to More Farmers

Native American Foodways, Indigenous Food Sovereignty, and Reparations

If you’d like more, you can find the rest of what we’re saying and sharing on social media — TwitterFacebook, and Instagram.

Documentary poster for Gather

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