Tory McCagg
Tory McCagg is an author, flutist, and recent homesteader. Tory was a Governing Board Member of Common Cause Rhode Island for ten years. She and her husband, Carl, have an off-grid house and homestead, Darwin’s View, where they steward over 200 acres of land on a windy hill in Jaffrey, NH. Tory’s most recent book, At Crossroads with Chickens: A “What If It Works?” Adventure in Off-Grid Living and Quest for Home details their life off-grid and on the land, experimenting with renewable energy, composting, recycling, permaculture, and agroforestry. Over the past ten years of being a homesteader, Tory has learned that she’ll never be a farmer, but she has developed a deeper respect for those who farm. She also recognizes the vital importance of New England’s small and local farms. Tory’s stewardship of the land has taught her the value of healthy soil in the effort to mitigate climate change, and the importance – and difficulty – of making small farms viable. Mission moment with Tory and Carl.